By the time Dr.Bach and his assistant, Nora Weeks, came to live at Mount Vernon, Dr.Bach had discovered 19 of the remedies, and it was in the surrounding lanes and fields that he found the remaining remedies to complete the series. By then, his body and mind were so in tune with his work that he would experience a variety of emotional states until he found the plant that would help him. In this way, through great personal suffering and sacrifice, he completed his life’s work.
A year after announcing that his search for remedies was complete, Dr. Bach passed away peacefully on the evening of November 27, 1936. He left behind several lifetime experiences and efforts, as well as a system of medicine that helps people and animals all over the world.
Bach flower remedies in Thailand were introduced by the founders of Bach Asia (part of Inner Voice LLP), Ms. Deki Soh and Mr. Ong Hong Seng, who have helped thousands of people with Bach remedies. The course was conducted in English.
In 2015, Ms. Deki Soh and Mr. Ong Hong Seng of Bach Asia in Singapore were invited to conduct a Bach Centre-approved Level 1 course in Thailand. Since then, regular Bach courses have been organized in Thailand, leading many participants to become Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners (BFRP).
Over time, some Thais aspired to learn the Bach system in the Thai language. Dr. Nattakit, who is both a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP) and an Animal Practitioner certified (BFARP) by the Bach Centre in the U.K., attended a Level 1 teacher-training course conducted by Ms. Deki Soh. This training enables him to teach the to teach Level 1 in Thai, providing. in Thai, providing Thai people with the opportunity to learn about this remarkable natural science and practice Bach flower remedies to help themselves and others. He has practiced both homeopathy and the BFR system since 2019.
Dr.Nattakit has been certified as a Level 1 Teacher (BFTP1) by the Bach Centre U.K. in 2024.

bach courses

personal consultation

Dr. Nattakit is both a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP) and an Animal Practitioner (BFARP), certified by the Bach Centre in the U.K. He has been practicing both homeopathy and the BFR system since 2019.
Dr. Nattakit is also a certified Level 1 teacher (BFTP1) for conducting courses in Thailand since 2024.